Trigeminal nerve (CN 5) branches V1 and V2, oculomotor nerve (CN 3) and trochlear nerve (CN 4) course within a dural sheath that comprises cavernous sinus lateral wall itself. Anteriorly, lies the cavernous sinus, with its lateral wall superomedial to the cave. The internal carotid artery precavernous segment courses inferomedial to the cave. The cuff of the glove or the entrance of the cave, the porus trigeminus, is between the superior and inferior petrosal sinuses and contains the trigeminal nerve with an arachnoid sheath. The fingers of the glove, superior to inferior, contain the three postganglionic rootlets that comprise the “tri-” of the trigeminal nerve-ophthalmic (V1), maxillary (V2) and mandibular (V3), which provides sensory innervation to the face and motor function for mastication. The palm of the glove rests within a bony indentation of the petrous apex (impressio trigemini) and contains the semilunar-shaped Gasserian ganglion of the trigeminal nerve. The cave is shaped like an open-ended three-fingered glove pointing anterosuperomedially (Fig. Meckel’s cave is an aperture within petrous apex’s meningeal dura propria and periosteal layers measuring 4 × 9 mm wide at its opening and 15 mm in length.